Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal

At In-DERM Skin Clinic we use the very latest, most advanced electrolysis equipment.
Electrolysis is still the only FDA approved method to permanently eliminate hair. This technique involves inserting a filament into the hair follicle all the way to the bulb. An electrical current is then applied which destroys the cells that cause hair growth.
Today, electrolysis is very comfortable thanks to improvements in the apparatus, which are more powerful and produce very fast current (in thousandths of a second). Additionally, with the ultra rapid frequency of 27.12 MHz, available on Apilus devices, the current can hardly be felt. This frequency, twice as fast as other hair removers on the market, makes electrolysis accessible to all because of the greater comfort offered.
If you want a 100% effective and permanent hair removal treatment, opt for electrolysis. This technique developed over 130 years ago has managed to adapt to and benefit from the most advanced technologies.
Apilus Xcell
With its’ unique technology and faster results the Apilus xCell uses the unique and ultra-rapid 27.12 MHz radio frequency to destroy all hair types. Because its power is greater and its frequency is up to 6 times faster than any other epilator it optimizes energy concentration in the hair follicle thus obtaining much faster results.
Exceptional comfort
The Apilus xCell offers a level of comfort never matched in permanent hair removal. It is so rapid that the sensation is barely perceptible. Just a few thousandths of a second suffice to eliminate the hair. With such a high level of comfort it is the ideal solution for all areas of the body and face as well as for all types of clients, even the most sensitive.
Electroepilation: how many hours of treatment are necessary?
This is a question that gets asked time and time again, but to which it is very hard to give a precise answer. Indeed, we do not claim to have the ability to determine in advance the duration of a complete electroepilation treatment for every client and every region; the evaluation is always approximate, because many factors directly influence treatment planning.
Factors to evaluate
The electrologist has to consider many elements in order to be able to estimate the total duration of a treatment:
work technique, modalities and parameters used
device and probe used
hair density and region
time between treatments and client's commitment
Moreover, the duration of each electroepilation session is conditioned by the period during which it is performed, whether it is cleansing, control or maintenance, and by the following factors:
size of the area to treat
skin sensitivity
client tolerance level
availability of the client

Up to 15min- £50
Up to 30min- £80
Up to 45min- £110
Up to 60min- £130