IPL Acne Treatment
Acne can be effectively treated with Intense Pulsed Light alone or in combination with other clinical treatments. Our experienced practitioners will give you the best advise customised to your specific concerns. Intense Pulsed Light treatments reduces the number and severity of active lesions, lessening the inflammation and frequency of break-outs.
How does Intense Pulsed Light work?
The light emitted from the Intense Pulsed Light system directly targets overactive sebaceous glands, greatly reducing the total number and severity of active lesions, and lessening the inflammation and occurrence of break-outs. The light stimulates the production of new collagen to improve skin texture, and can also reduce the appearance of red or brown areas of skin that are often associated with acne breakouts.
How is the treatment carried out?
A layer of chilled gel is applied to the skin to help guide the light. The light guide is placed onto the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is passed over the skin several times before moving onto the neighbouring area, and the process is repeated until the whole area is treated. Each pulse of light treats a large area of skin and so the duration of the treatment is very short. The gel is removed and the skin is moisturised. During treatment protective eye wear will be provided.
Am I suitable for treatment?
Almost everyone can be treated, apart from very dark skinned or tanned individuals. If you are pregnant or taking Roaccutane (an acne medication) it is best not to undergo laser or Intense Pulsed Light treatment.
How does the treatment feel?
Treatment is mildly uncomfortable but no anaesthesia is required. Many people describe the sensation as similar to the flick of an elastic band.
What should I expect after the treatment?
Immediately after treatment the skin may appear red and a warm tingling sensation may be felt. Typically the skin is cooled to ease any discomfort and a calming gel is applied.

Are there any side effects?
The treated area can become quite red immediately after treatment but this usually disappears within a couple of hours. Most people experience no other side effects but very rarely a small blister could form, or the skin may become temporarily lighter or darker.
How long does treatment take?
A typical treatment session is approximately 30 minutes.
How many treatments are necessary?
The number of treatments necessary varies from person to person, but typically 6 Intense Pulsed Light and 6 exfoliating treatments will result in a significant improvement.
Consultation process
Prior to treatment you must first book a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch.
Half Face…………………………………...………£95
Full Face…..….……………………….……….…£150
Full Back…..….……………………….………….£250