A bespoke skin consultation is carried out by one of our expert aestheticians and is required by all clients before any treatment is performed. This session comprises an open and honest conversation which discusses your concerns and treatment expectations. We always take an individual approach with each client which allows us to tailor your treatments individually to address all your conscerns
The OPATRA DOME facial skin analyzer clinically measures the surface and subsurface of the skin using the state-of-the-art digital imagery, using RGB visible light, PL polarized light, and UV spectrum imaging technology, combined with artificial intelligence and image analysis. Used by the beauty, medical and aesthetic skincare professionals, the skin analyzer system is the world’s most advanced skin detection equipment that captures multispectral photos of the face, examining the complexion of fine lines and wrinkles, spots, pores, texture, porphyrins, UV spots, moisture, and pigmentation.

Clients and practitioners have the opportunity to get to know each other during the consultation so that a friendly and trusting relationship can be formed. As well as your personal concerns, understanding you as a person enables us to make better decisions about which treatment is best for you. In many cases a course of treatments / sessions are required and by making an individual plan, you can understand our approach and the route your treatment is going to take.
The DOME skin analysis system provides customised reports as well as the most beneficial treatment recommendations. Every detail of your skin’s condition is identified and the advanced technology works to establish developing concerns, as well as predicting the way in which ageing will affect the skin.
Prices of consultations:
FOR SKIN CONCERNS: Acne, Ageing , Pigmentation, Rosacea
BESPOKE SKIN consultation with DIGITAL SKIN ANALYSIS 60min……….…..£60
Redeemable against treatment or products purchased on the same day. Additional PATCH TEST for IPL treatments £30 (redeemable against first treatment)
BESPOKE SKIN consultation with DIGITAL SKIN ANALYSIS and customised treatment 1h45min………..……..…£125
(consultation fee has been redeemed already here)
ELECTROLYSIS / BLEMISH REMOVAL consultation 30min……….………….…....£30
Redeemable against treatments or products.
ONLINE consultation via zoom or over the phone 30min…………..…………...£30
We recommend that this is your last resort for a consultation as we won’t be able as give you as anccurate advice as if we saw you in the clinic. After booking an online consultation you will receive a from via email and you will need to send us good quality photos of the area/s of your concern.